Course registration, year 3
Well, that was pleasantly painless.
My assigned signup time for course registration today was 9:30am -- an auspiciously early time, letting me get a jump on people with a time later in the day (last year my time was 12 noon). By 9:40am, I'd signed up for all the courses I need for this year... in fact, I even was able to sign up for a course that, as far as I knew, was only meant to be available for signup as of August 10th... Hmm. That was probably just some mistake in the university's system, and I'm not the only one who's signed up for that one, but I'm going to keep checking to make sure they don't kick me out of that course and make me sign up again...
Anyway, just wanted to give you all the update. The oh-so-exciting update. In other news, this is the first Monday morning of Summer "break" on which I haven't had to head out to work. Ahhhhh. Well, unless, of course, you count the Monday when I woke up in Greece. That was pretty non-work-related. Heh.
Okay, well guess where I'm off to now? That's right: more readings. Whoopee! And maybe if I get around to it, I'll get a chance to do the stuff that needs to be done before I leave in... (*checks calendar*) ... 4 days. Oy.